CIP Services provides cleaning in place (CIP) units predominantly to the dairy industry in the UK & New Zealand, and other beverage & liquid food grade transport sectors.
Why choose CIP Services Ltd?
We are a service orientated company which provide a complete and quality driven solution to fleets with internal tanker cleaning requirements.
We are experienced in providing cost effective, on-site solutions for tanker cleaning, simultaneously providing an efficient, DTAS (Dairy Transport Assurance Scheme) approved, market leading product.
Our units - which are sited both nationally and internationally - deliver a variety of bespoke cleaning cycles, based on product and vehicle types, meaning quick, cost-effective washes with outstanding quality and reliability.
Uniquely, we lease our CIP units on a contract term or per wash basis.
Results include the following benefits:
- Reduction in wash times maximising vehicle profitability
- Minimise resource usage and waste
- Simple and inclusive "cost per wash" pricing
- Planned maintenance, upgrades and new legislation compliance as part of inclusive service package
- Adaptable programming for different products and tanker types
- Automatic system configuration
- Inclusive hardware and software updates
- Full training including driver training and "train the trainer" sessions
- Unrivalled reliability - over 1 million washes completed
- Full wash audit trails & DTAS compliant
Unrivalled standard of service
With 25 years’ experience and over 1 million washes completed, CIP Services provide an outstanding level of service and ongoing support.
Our continued research and development programme ensures our clients have the most up-to-date cleaning system available, which in many cases, exceeds industry standards set by DTAS (Dairy Transport Assurance Scheme).
Every wash is fully traceable, providing quality data, giving a complete audit trail.
Each unit can be remotely accessed by CIP Services in real time for monitoring and maintenance purposes. This allows us to fault find, diagnose and fix issues remotely.
All capital expenditure and continuous research and development by CIP Services, means we ensure the highest hygiene standards all the time.
We implement a continual improvement and roll out strategy, which over time has added to the resilience of our products.
Our leasing model allows CIP Serives to build the most technologically advanced and reliable CIP units available, utilising the best equipment and most innovative and up to date components.